Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Morning Run with Jim on the SRT/Center City

Today, I woke up at 6 am, I drove to Lloyd Hall, near boat house row and the art museum in Philadelphia to go for a run with one of my running buddies Jim. I had never run the Schuylkill River Trail before. Jim took me to places that you will never get to see in a car or just driving through the City of Philadelphia. It was a great experience, and one that I will do again, we ran a total of 6.27 miles from the SRT/Lloyd Hall, (Art Museum Area) down and around City Hall and back to where we started. We stopped for some coffee and I got to see some of the amazing architecture that I never really noticed before. It was an amazing run and morning and one that I look forward to doing it again.

Just a little about me.

Just a quick over view of who I am. I am a 44 year old Paramedic/Photographer and  Daddy. I have had issues with my weight all my life. In my early 30's I weighed up to 415 lbs. I had the gastric bypass in March of 2002. While that fixed the problem in the short run, over the years, going back to the same routine that got me where I was in the first place, I began to put weight back on. In November of 2015 I got a rude awaking when my uniform no longer fit and I took a huge step, something that I never did.... I got on the scale.... when I looked down my stomach sank and extreme anxiety and fear came over me. I was back up to 336 lbs. Granted I was 13 years post surgery, but I never had the support system that they have today. Many who had the surgery back then weren't given the tools to succeed... So many didn't. I decided that I was going to change my life, for me and for my kids, who are now 10 and 11. I changed my eating habits and began to walk 3-5 times a week anywhere from 3-5 miles. I was beginning to feel better about myself and my commitment.

One day I had a friend send me a free entry into a 5K, the Country Store Run in Lehigh Valley, PA. This was in June of 2015, the 5K was on August 23rd,2015. I had set my first goal for myself. I downloaded a couch 2 5K app and my running began. My goal was to finish, I didn't care about my time, I just wanted to be able to finish. I had the opportunity to do my first 5k with my best friend, Ron, which was his first 5k. We finished. And that began my running life.. In 2015 I ran 11- 5K's and 1-10K. I am proud of my accomplishments.

On Facebook, I joined many running groups, I wanted to see what "running" was really all about. While I am active in a few groups, one group in particular had connected me with other local runners who have really helped motivate me and keep going. Its not easy. But the Misfit Runners has connected me to some of the most awesome runner and friends anyone could ask for. There is also Run 215, Black Men Run, RunJunkees, and Positive Runners of Philadelphia and SNJ , all have amazing people. The support level is just outstanding and they have put in in contact with some amazing new friends.

2016 is going to be an amazing year. I have a lot on the running schedule. My first run this year was the Cupid's Chase 5k Philadelphia, where I won 1st in my age group. This was a surprise and a great way for me to begin 2016. I look forward to running many races this year, I hope to see some of you out there. I never thought I would call myself a runner... but I am... I AM A RUNNER!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

We are Medics that have just begun our journey some more recent. We are about getting healthy and living the life we love and loving the life we live. Some of us recently starting with a 5k and while others have completed a Half-Marathon or more. Lets see how far we can go.. other Medics will be joining us on the way to a more productive and healthy lifestyle. 

We are................